
Overview was a website about everyday things that are beautifully designed and bring joy into our lives. The tone of the articles on the website was friendly and was focused on: arts, architecture, product design, interior design, fashion, and lifestyle events.

My role was developing and administering of the website and creating the visual identity of

The visual concept revolved around the idea of the mood board - a tool similar to a collage used frequently in the creative industry. I integrated this concept into the logo and the layout of the website.

Considering that a mood board combines different elements to obtain a whole new visual expression, I wanted the logo to reflect this attribute in terms of composition and colors.

The two letters O, from the word MOOD, transformed into symbols are in correlation to the senses that help us perceive the beautiful things around us: the eye for seeing and the heart as an expression for what we love.

My role

Logo design, Webdesign


moodboard website viewed on laptop screen
The desktop version of the website
moodboard site mobile menu
Mobile version - main menu
moodboard article viewed on mobile
Mobile version with sticky navigation bar
example of a moodboard viewed on mobile
Moodboard article example
moodboards website viewed on a tablet

Need a designer?

I'm open for collaborating so feel free to reach out to me any time. Drop me an email so we can talk.