Virtual Arena


Virtual Arena was a local video-game competition event that had its main focus on shooters like Counter-Strike 1.6 and Unreal Tournament but also other video games like Dota and Fifa. Even though it remained an uncontracted project, I enjoyed a lot working on it as video-gaming is a hobby of mine.

I created the visual identity of the event by putting in the first place the audience it needed to draw: video-games fans and players, 14-30 years old. The keywords used to define the identity were: energy, fun, and friendship.

I chose a display sans-serif, similar to the fonts used in the '80s arcade games, for the logo and recreated the letter T so it resembled a crosshair target specific to shooters. Starting from the crosshair symbol, I also created other decorative elements to support the visuals of the tournament. Regarding the colors, I chose an atypical but full of energy palette: blue-purple (energy) and pink (fun and friendship). For the text of the visuals, I used a slab-serif font to contrast the logo.

My role

Logo design, Branding, Indoor graphics


Virtual Arena
virtual arena business cards
Business card design
virtual arena badge
Branded badge
Indoor banner
Reception booth elements branded
Roll-up design

Need a designer?

I'm open for collaborating so feel free to reach out to me any time. Drop me an email so we can talk.